Saturday, February 25, 2012


”The best way to take someone down a peg or 2 is to say, “well you only have your money because you worship the devil.” - Professor Ebony Utley

*smh* People THINK they know, but they have no idea! I don’t doubt that the ‘powers that be’ have a plan for the demise of Black/African people, but everything ain’t Illuminati related. I find it interesting that recently many black celebrity’s success has been attributed to a supposed alliance with The Illuminati.

I’m not saying that there aren’t any Black celebrities that push/condone ignorance and hate against others, especially against other Black people. And I’m not saying that there aren’t black celebrities that aren’t being used as pawns against the betterment of black people, whether they’re innocent bystanders or willing participants. But to me it seems as if these Illuminati theorists are working hard to attribute Black celebrity’s success to some evil doings.

It sends out the message that White celebrities are truly talented & Black celebrities are successful only when they are part of a devilish scheme. ‘They’ take our innate positives, turn it into negatives, and people just gobble it up. No questions or objections. *smh*

Don’t let the new age ‘boogieman’ spook you. Fear is our worst enemy.