Thursday, May 20, 2010

To whom it may concern, Justice for Aiyana Jones

"Something has to be done about the murder of Aiyana Jones, an innocent 7 year-old child, killed at the hands of police.

There is no excuse for this. Not one.

Something has to be done about the MANY innocent black people who have been killed by those WE pay to "protect and serve".

How long will America continue to allow the police to kill innocent black people and get away with it?

How long will the police be suspended WITH pay after MURDERING innocent black people.

How long will police officers get a mere slap on the hand while innocent black people receive NO JUSTICE?

We are no longer separate, but we definitely are NOT treated equally.

This country was built off the backs, sweat, tears, and destruction of my black people. We are owed so much more, and I refuse to allow these tragedies to continue.

I am only one person, but with the help of many that feel the same as I do, changes WILL be made.

Will you be an innocent bystander, or will you take action?

What do you REALLY stand for?"

This is a letter I wrote and emailed to our President, Senators, Representative, and will mail to the Supreme Court. My resources are limited, but it is a start, and you can do the same for free. If you choose to, copy my letter verbatim, speak your mind; whatever you choose to do, we must ACT.

I will lift my voice higher than facebook, twitter, and blogs against the atrocities committed against my people. Though I do not trust ANY politician, nor have faith in the Mock Democracy of this so-called great country, I vote, always have. So pessimistically, I write this letter to whom it may concern, knowing they are not.

Below are links to the President, Senators, and Representatives. Please write to them, we've got to FLOOD them with our concerns.

Aiyana is not the first, there are so many others I can list; but I will do what I can to make her the last victim of police brutality.